Millions of Articles from Premium Publishers

Capture deep thematic sentiment for the world’s companies

Get Company News Insights
that Move Markets

Company news analytics that move markets for every stock in your universe.

  • Dow Jones
  • Midnight Trader
  • Benzinga
  • Nikkei

Harness Sentiment That Generates Alpha

Alexandria’s news sentiment is predictive of stock price movements. As illustrated below, the companies we identify with negative sentiment underperform the S&P 500, while those with positive sentiment significantly outperform.

Harness Sentiment That Generates Alpha
  • Positive News

  • Negative News

  • SP500

  • Long Short

Cumulative Log Returns for Daily Rebalanced Sentiment Portfolios

Transform Risk into Competitive Advantage

Use real-time news inputs to manage risk and successfully navigate times of market dislocation. In March 2020, as COVID-19 gripped the U.S., a long-short portfolio based on Alexandria news sentiment returned +14.7% vs. -20.1% for the S&P 500 — a relative outperformance for the month of +34.8%

Key Benefits

Programmatically evaluate topics and sentiment across your investable universe

Programmatically evaluate topics and sentiment across your investable universe

Access 20+ years of historical data and real time data going forward

Access 20+ years of historical data and real time data going forward

Enhance your investment processes with a factor proven to add meaningful alpha

Enhance your investment processes with a factor proven to add meaningful alpha

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